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Mushroom Blackbean Burger


  • 2 cups Mushrooms

  • 2 cups Black Beans

  • 1 Carrot grated

  • 1 Celery stalk chopped

  • ½ Red Onion chopped

  • 2 pegs Garlic chopped

  • ½ cup Bread crumbs

  • 2 T. Nutritional Yeast

  • 1T Soy Sauce ( organic)

  • ½ Walnuts

See Instructional Video


  1. Sauté Mushrooms and rinse and drain black beans, place in a food processor/ Vita mix

  2. Add brown rice, bread-crumbs, carrots, celery, onion and garlic. Nutritional yeast and soy sauce add a little of that salty burger-y umami flavor.

  3. Pulse beans and rice, and bread-crumbs help to bind the ingredients and firm everything up, and the addition of ground chia seeds really helps to suck up extra moisture and keep these patties firm.

  4. I whizzed the chia seeds in the Puremix blender using the "crush ice" setting which worked beautifully.

  5. To bring these delightful patties from mere tastiness to full-blown veggie burger deliciousness I recommend you serve them with a healthy dose of vegan mayo, crisp green leaf lettuce, a slab of tomato, melted vegan cheese, red onion rings, and a squiggle each of ketchup and mustard.

  6. Oh! And don't forget the fries! Enjoy!


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